New Ziplist Features on Alaska from Scratch

March 1, 2013 • Alaska from Scratch

I’m excited to introduce some brand new and improved features here at Alaska from Scratch to enhance your experience and make creating delicious meals at home even easier. I’m partnering with ZipList to provide a fully branded Recipe Box, Menu Planner, and Shopping List accessible from your computer and mobile phone. Also, you can now view daily Shopping Deals in your local area and add them to your Shopping List directly from Alaska from Scratch. Here’s how:

1. Click the “Save Recipe” button on the upper right of each recipe.

2. Add the recipe to your ZipList Recipe Box


3. Access your custom Recipe Box, Shopping List, and Meal Planner using the Alaska from Scratch main navigation bar at the top of every page.  


4. Access Grocery Deals in your local area by entering your zip code and add them to your Shopping List.


I truly hope that you utilize and enjoy these new features and that they help make your shopping, meal planning, and recipe collecting even easier! A big thank you to ZipList for partnering with us!

Alaska from Scratch